145th OFDA
April 29 - May 1, 2025
Pre-Convention Seminars: April 28
Welcome to the Ohio Funeral Directors Association’s
145th OFDA Convention and Exhibition!
Welcome to the 145th OFDA Convention and Exhibition! What an incredible accomplishment for OFDA, and I am honored to serve as your incoming President. I look forward to this year’s convention and seeing how everyone will Think Outside the Box.
The convention committee and officers have assembled an incredible lineup of speakers and presentations, offering valuable ideas and information to further enhance the exceptional professional that you already are. Whether you are an attendee, sponsor, or exhibitor, I am confident you will have a rewarding and memorable experience.
The Columbus Hilton at Easton has been a wonderful host to OFDA for many years, offering a safe and welcoming atmosphere, along with a variety of shopping, dining, and entertainment options—all within walking distance.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, OFDA, the convention committee and myself, I want to thank you in advance for your participation. Should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions to enhance your experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities to earn CE hours, connect with colleagues, and most importantly, Think Outside the Box.
Charles Wilson, OFDA President-Elect
If you have questions or concerns, please call the OFDA office at (614) 486-5339.
Important Dates
April 28, 2025
8:30AM - 5:00PM
Pre-convention Seminar: Crematory Operator Training
Hilton Columbus at Easton
April 29 - May 1, 2025
145th OFDA Convention and Exhibition
Online Registration is Open!
Hilton Columbus at Easton
April 28 - 30, 2026
146th OFDA Convention and Exhibition
Save the Date!
Hilton Columbus at Easton